Studio Riebenbauer — Öfferl Währingerstraße
Brand Experiences
Silber (2022)
Bäckerei Öfferl
The second store of Öfferl in the 18th district of Vienna plays with the contrast of natural stones and brushed metal. On a floorpan of just 48 m2 it shows a new facet of the brands main concept »it starts with the soil«. A sculptural desk made of Beton Ciré, distinctive custom lamps, a white chalked tree – that hangs upside down from the ceiling – and a very monochromatic and earthy color scheme, are the main pieces in this store.
Creative Lead:
Studio Riebenbauer
Creative Direction:
Almut Becvar
Alexander Ahmad
Silvia Nanu
Creative Direction:
Franz Riebenbauer