Atelier Dreibholz — Radikale Universität


Graphic Communication & Editorial Design

Shortlist(Buch) (2024)

Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

The A0 and A1 posters announced and advertised the symposium ‘Radikale Universität’ that brought to a close the rectorship of Dr Gerald Bast at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Contributions to the symposium included papers and presentations from experts and researchers in the field of higher and further education, as well as historians, sociologists, philosophers, etc.
The design, kept in Times New Roman (connoting the academic notion) and Aktiv Grotesk (the university’s corporate font) produces a sincere yet contemporary (non-)design, while not losing the readership with self-indulgent gimmickry. It also marks the departure of a series of graphic ephemera, such as post cards, flyers, folders, a printed programme, digital and printed ads, digitals screens, etc. and eventually built the base for the publication, a comprehensive collection of the symposium’s edited transcriptions, further contributions and texts and speeches by Dr Bast throughout his tenure.

Creative Lead:
Paulus M. Dreibholz