CCA-Session mit Chris Thaller (Head of Creative Projects, Runtastic)

Chris Thaller is a creative obsessive. He is responsible for multichannel online marketing campaigns, new partnership concepts and new creative ideas for Runtastic. As the creative brain behind the Run for the Oceans concept and a passionate creator of purposeful campaigns for the greater good, Chris funnels his creativity into multichannel online marketing campaigns, new partnership concepts and groundbreaking creative ideas for Runtastic and adidas.
A Stand-Up Paddle Tour back in Sydney, Australia was the initial spark that led to a game-changing campaign concept supporting the future of our Oceans, Run for the Oceans.
Besides being the creator of “Run for the Oceans”, Chris also was initiator of Runtastic’s global event series “Runtastic Live Workout Party”, inventor of Runtastic’s running app feature “Runtastic Story Running” and host and organizer of Runtastic’s internal talent factory “DONI – Day of New Ideas”.
He is an advocate for creativity and community initiatives that empower brands to leverage the creative potential of their teams.
Chris is fueled by his passion for creativity and living life to the fullest, on both a personal and professional level.
In his talk “How Digital drives Purpose”, Chris shares his key-learnings on how to use Digital to change lives and the world for the better.
Datum: 19. November 2019
Einlass: 18.00 Uhr
Beginn: 18.30 Uhr
Ort: das Zimmer (Piaristengasse 8, 1080 Wien)
Freier Eintritt für CCA-Mitglieder und CCA-Young Creatives. Anmeldung bitte im CCA-Büro (